Radon Mitigation

What is radon & what are the health risks?
Radon is a gaseous radioactive element that is a extremely toxic, colorless gas. It is derived from the radioactive decay of radium. There are no immediate symptoms from exposure to radon. According to the EPA, radon in indoor air is estimated to cause about 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States, 2,900 of those deaths occurred in people who have never smoked. Smokers are at a higher risk of developing radon-induced lung cancer, although radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. Lung cancer is the only health effect which has been definitively linked to radon exposure. There is no evidence that other respiratory diseases, such as asthma, are caused by radon exposure. There is no evidence that children are at any greater risk of Radon induced lung cancer than adults are. Missoula & surrounding counties are listed as having "elevated radon levels." In 2005, the Surgeon General issued a national health advisory on radon.  

What process does GES use for radon mitigation?
GES usually bores approximately a 6" hole in slab and excavates soil/rock from under slab to create a radon well. GES then backfills the well with washed rock and pipes 4" schedule 40 PVC pipe from the hole out through the exterior of structure. GES then installs a 147 CFM in-line fan to exhaust radon gases from under slab, through the piping & out of home. GES usually recommends a clearance sampling after the mitigation is complete & we will sometimes do an additional radon test afterwards to ensure the radon gases are exhausted properly. GES will sometimes put down a 15 mil poly Visqueen barrier that acts as a moisture/radon gas barrier. GES HAS RADON TESTS ON HAND SO CALL US TODAY TO SET ONE UP FOR YOU! Once the test results come back we will help you understand their meaning & recommend which action is needed if any. 
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